Landholders from the Coolac area joined our paddock walk to learn more about on farm biodiversity and explore ways to diversify on farm income.
The Adjungbilly Creek in the Upper Riverina Highlands is home to one of 4 remaining populations of the endangered Macquarie Perch in NSW. With the help from traditional owners, we trialled a spotlighting as a method of monitoring Maccas.
A paddock walk is being held at Brungle next week to understand more about the different types of indigenous culture that can be found on farms.
Creating a welcoming environment the "Women's Yarning Circle" event is for women of the Central Billabong to gather, collaborate, be creative, share stories (cultural, Indigenous and other), and lunch on the banks of the Billabong Creek near Jerilderie.
Join us for an evening wetland walk, talk and free bbq dinner. Friday March 8th 2024 5.30 pm - 8.30 pm Topics include: aquatic and riparian vegetation, environmental water in the Yanco Creek System, wetland fish, bats and rakali, frog identification and spotlight
YACTAC were out in the New Year on the Billabong Creek, Conargo, releasing 27,273 golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) fingerlings as part of the Refreshing Rivers Program which aims to improve local waterway health.
Murray Cod would have once been common in local waterways including Adelong Creek. Declining water quality, introduction of exotic fish species and loss of native habitat, meant that these fish had not been recorded in the Creek for many years - until now!
2 school holiday events were recently held on Morleys Creek and Nimbo Creek as part of a Kids Fishcare event.
David Carr from 'Warralong' near Gundagai is one landholder who has signed up for a free Natural Capital Profile service. In this video he shares his insights in what he has learnt from this experience in working with our Natural Capital Team.
Landholders from the Coolac area joined our paddock walk to learn more about on farm biodiversity and explore ways to diversify on farm income.
The Adjungbilly Creek in the Upper Riverina Highlands is home to one of 4 remaining populations of the endangered Macquarie Perch in NSW. With the help from traditional owners, we trialled a spotlighting as a method of monitoring Maccas.
Dive into the fascinating world of freshwater mussels with Dr Nicole McCasker, mussel expert, from Charles Sturt University, and local cultural knowledge holder Ros Lockhart. This is a family-friendly event, so come along and help us discover more about these incredible creatures.
Looking for a ways to educate and entertain the kids these school holidays?
Looking for ways to entertain and educate the kids this school holidays? In this two-hour practical workshop they will learn how to: collect, sort and identify waterbugs: enter the data using the Waterbug App and compare their score with other creeks on the Waterbug Data Portal
Creating a welcoming environment the "Women's Yarning Circle" event is for women of the Central Billabong to gather, collaborate, be creative, share stories (cultural, Indigenous and other), and lunch on the banks of the Billabong Creek near Jerilderie.
Join us for an evening wetland walk, talk and free bbq dinner. Friday March 8th 2024 5.30 pm - 8.30 pm Topics include: aquatic and riparian vegetation, environmental water in the Yanco Creek System, wetland fish, bats and rakali, frog identification and spotlight
Dive into the fascinating world of freshwater mussels with Dr Nicole McCasker, mussel expert, from Charles Sturt University, and local cultural knowledge holder Ros Lockhart. This is a family-friendly event, so come along and help us discover more about these incredible creatures.
Creating a welcoming environment the "Women's Yarning Circle" event is for women of the Central Billabong to gather, collaborate, be creative, share stories (cultural, Indigenous and other), and lunch on the banks of the Billabong Creek near Jerilderie.
Join us for an evening wetland walk, talk and free bbq dinner. Friday March 8th 2024 5.30 pm - 8.30 pm Topics include: aquatic and riparian vegetation, environmental water in the Yanco Creek System, wetland fish, bats and rakali, frog identification and spotlight
YACTAC were out in the New Year on the Billabong Creek, Conargo, releasing 27,273 golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) fingerlings as part of the Refreshing Rivers Program which aims to improve local waterway health.
A final day of electrofishing targeting carp (Cyprinus carpio), on a five kilometre stretch of Billabong Creek, Conargo, occurred on December 20th, 2023. Carp once again proved to be the dominant fish with a tally of 266 kgs for one day on a 5 km stretch of creek.
Woomargama Station recently hosted the LaTrobe University group who are working on a Farm Scale Natural Capital account framework
What an enormous weekend! The HLN Bioblitz team (Peter, Kylie and Jo) spent Friday to Monday blitzing the Upper Billabong.
Love Your Creek! Refreshing Rivers and Holbrook Landcare Network are teaming up to participate in the Great Southern BioBlitz 2023 [#GSB2023], with a focus on our creeks and waterways.
Luke Pearce from NSW DPI Fisheries broke the ice on the water this morning to collect these special threatened fish! So rewarding to see one of the last populations in the Murray catchment persisting at this site due to the hard work from Holbrook Landcare Network, Fisheries and local landholders.
Murray Cod would have once been common in local waterways including Adelong Creek. Declining water quality, introduction of exotic fish species and loss of native habitat, meant that these fish had not been recorded in the Creek for many years - until now!
Looking for a ways to educate and entertain the kids these school holidays?
2 school holiday events were recently held on Morleys Creek and Nimbo Creek as part of a Kids Fishcare event.
David Carr from 'Warralong' near Gundagai is one landholder who has signed up for a free Natural Capital Profile service. In this video he shares his insights in what he has learnt from this experience in working with our Natural Capital Team.
Looking for ways to entertain and educate the kids this school holidays? In this two-hour practical workshop they will learn how to: collect, sort and identify waterbugs: enter the data using the Waterbug App and compare their score with other creeks on the Waterbug Data Portal
Please get in touch by emailing
All material © Refreshing Rivers 2024.
Website developed by the Australian River Restoration Centre